
PUBG Lite PC System Requirements | download | Release Date

PUBG stands for PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds and the lite version is its free game version of PUBG PC. In this article, we know about PUBG Lite PC system requirements and where we can download it.

PUBG is an offer by Tencent which is the largest publisher of video games in China. PUBG Lite is a free version of Battlegrounds that is meant to be better playable on low-end computers by having significant reductions in graphic details and other features but is otherwise feature-complete with the full game. PUBG Lite is in the Open Beta version.

PUBG Lite System Requirements For PC

Pubg Lite is very low system requirements. It can be run on an old PC with literally without any graphics card at all. Even the Intel HD Graphics will do the work. Here is the list of hardware and software minimum requirements for playing PUBG Lite in PC. This is run only on 64-bit machines.

Official Minimum Requirement

Recommended System Requirements For PUBG Lite

PUBG Lite for PC is Now Available

PUBG Lite is meant to be played in regions where the game’s minimum specifications may be difficult for average players to achieve, such as areas in Southeast Asia, with a beta launch first releasing in Thailand in January 2019. This time this is also available in India.

PUBG Lite Download

This version is a free beta version for the users which can download from the official Pubg site. The download link for PUBG lite pc is given below which goes to the official website of PUBG. If you are a mobile user then you can download directly from the play store. These are system requirements for pubg lite in pc. For PC link is given below:-